First of all, it is essential to remember that B2B marketing has evolved enormously in 5 years, with a boost with the COVID crisis which forced most companies to switch their marketing expenses back to the web.
Because now and even more tomorrow, digital and social networks have entered our daily lives.
The most consulted social networks are:
- TikTok : 73.2% market share, even if there is a real disaffection with the platform.
- WhatsApp : 59.5% of use, in particular to exchange with contacts.
- Instagram , which remains at 55.7%.
- Snapchat resists against Tiktok with 41%
- Twitter , which remains an elitist social network, but which nevertheless brings together 28.6% of people.
- Pinterest , with 27.9%, remains a network that counts in e-commerce, fashion, etc., and is often underestimated in B2C.
- Linkedin , which is quickly becoming the “Facebook for Pros”, which still has significant room for improvement, particularly in the regions, for SMEs / VSEs, civil servants, etc.
What we can see with this evolution in the use of social mobile applications is that TikTok is doing well and shaking up other social networks with +22% growth, while Facebook, YouTube, Instagram… are decreasing. So, you can acquire followers on tiktok to boost your sales in 2023.
However, in my opinion, being visible on the Internet has never been so difficult, and I am sure that it will become more and more technical and complex in the future.
Indeed, on the web, the major problem is not to be present, because the creation of content, of a site… is extremely easy.
The challenge on the web is visibility (or distribution).
Indeed, the internet is like a supermarket: the places on the shelves are limited, and if you are not visible or present in mass distribution or in specialized distribution, you will not sell anything…
We thus arrive at a double “starification of the web”:
- Internet traffic is gathered by a few players as seen in the graph below, which are real “tolls” to be visible.
- On these main sites, it’s a traffic jam and the struggle to be visible , because there too only the first in the results generate traffic, the others will only have the crumbs.
This leads to the fact that either you are in the first, you do not exist.