Telegram has redesigned the way you respond to messages in the app with new features that make it easier and more fun to message your friends. Messenger stickers are now available for all chats on both Android and iOS devices, along with several other great features.
The reply icon has been updated
The reply icon has been updated, now overlaid with a menu and a forward icon. This is a new feature that makes it easier to use the app. The new reply button is now overlaid with a menu and a forward icon.
This update is available on Android and iOS devices running Telegram(Telegram官网) v. 5.2 or later
The message forwards action can now either be added to the chat or sent to another chat directly
The following options are available when forwarding messages:
Send to a specific chat. This will open the chat and add the message as an attachment. If the recipient is in your contacts, they will see your name next to the message. If not, they’ll get an info card with your profile photo and name.
Send to all chats with specific people in them (or none). This works exactly like sending a message to another user who’s added you as a contact—you can choose which groups of people will receive it by turning on or off their checkboxes before hitting “Send”.
Send as DM (direct message). You can send a new direct message from within any conversation by tapping on this option at the top of the screen; no one else will see this unless they have access privileges for that particular chatroom or group account.
The voice message playback speed option is now embedded into the message bubble
You can now listen to your voice messages at different speeds. You can choose to listen to the message at normal speed or fast forward it, as well as listen to the message at half speed or double speed. The voice message playback speed option is available for all voice messages, whether it was sent via Telegram Desktop or via Telegram Web(Telegram网站).
The update also brings a new way to send voice messages on Telegram Desktop. You can now use your mic to record the message and send it directly, without having to wait for the file to be processed by our servers first.
A new ‘forwarded’ identified is added to text messages when they are forwarded
Forwarded Message
The new ‘forwarded’ identified is added to text messages when they are forwarded. Forwarding another person’s message is different from replying or forwarding a message you have sent yourself. This can be useful for identifying the origin of a message within conversations, which could be important if there is any doubt that it was not originally sent by you or if other users need confirmation that something has been copied from someone else and not just written by them.
You can edit/delete messages for everyone within 48 hours of sending them
You can edit/delete messages for everyone within 48 hours of sending them. This is a new feature and you can do this by clicking on the message and then selecting ‘edit’ or ‘delete’. This is different from delete a message for yourself, which will be discussed in another article.
Facebook also has a feature that allows you to ‘unsend’ messages. This is a new feature and it works on mobile devices as well as desktop computers.
Tap a single message’s the forward button to add it to the quick-forwarding queue
Tap the single forward button to add it to the quick-forwarding queue. You can also add messages to the quick-forwarding queue by swiping right on them, just like in Telegram 4.
Telegram redesigned message options
Telegram redesigned message options
In a change from its previous design, Telegram now overlays the reply icon with a menu and a forward icon. The message forwards action can now either be added to the chat or sent to another chat directly.
Telegram is a secure and fast messaging app, so you can easily stay in touch with your family, friends, and colleagues. You can also use it as a free tool for small teams or businesses to communicate with each other efficiently.